Granite State Graziers


Granite State Graziers supports New Hampshire residents raising livestock and seeking to implement pasture management systems that improve soil health and water quality. We act as a clearinghouse for information; conducting educational programs and events, and providing online resources.

Do you have an interesting project happening on your farm or homestead?

We want to hear from you! 

We are hosting our third annual Beginner Farmer Mixer this fall and want to include your story on our "are you doing something intersting?" farmer panel! 

Our mixer event is a way for the beginning farmer and homesteader community to come together and learn about what resources are available to them in the Granite State. Last year, we hosted more than 10 local businesses and non-profits to showcase how they can help with finding land, obtaining government assistance, and so much more. 

We want to be able to share what YOU are working on too! Whether its converting a portion of your property into silvopasture, using a specialized fencing setup, utilizing unique livestock breeds or anything else, we want to give you a platform to share your story. 

If interested, please email us at

Are you looking for a job in the climate space?

American Farmland Trust is hiring a Climate Solutions Implementation Specialist!  This hybrid position allows you to work directly with farmers and various organizations to utilize US government funding to implement conservation practics. 

Interested? Click the link below to read more and fill out an application:



Are you a farmer looking for direction in a specific area? Do you have questions about what to do with your land? Are you interested in intensive grazing? 

We want to hear from you! 

We can put together and host a pasture walk on your land and give you advice and opinions from local, knowledgeable people.

Email if interested.